Grading Scale
The Grading Scale used at Cypress Creek High School is set by state law.
- A = 89.5% - 100%
- B = 79.5% - 89.4%
- C = 69.5% - 79.4%
- D = 59.5% - 69.4%
- F = 59.4% or Below
Averaging Final Grades
Calculations of student final grades for all courses in Orange County Public Schools fall into one of three categories with different grading rules:
Grading Rules by Category
Statewide EOC Courses
National and Other Statewide Assessments or Blended Courses
Common Final Exams Courses
These courses are associated with statewide EOC FSA and NGSS assessments for FSA Algebra I, FSA Geometry, FSA Algebra II, Algebra I Retake, Geometry Retake, Biology, and US History. No additional teacher, school or district semester or final examination may be administered in these courses, and the district calculates a student’s EOC grade from the scale score the student earns on the statewide EOC. The grade calculation is 35% Semester 1 + 35% Semester 2 + 30% Statewide EOC Grade = Final Course Grade.
These courses are associated with national assessments (such as AP and IB assessments) and other statewide assessments (such as FSA grade-level assessments and PERT assessments), blended courses, or college/university Dual Enrollment courses. No additional teacher, school or district semester or final examination may be administered for the course. The grade calculation is 50% Semester 1 Grade + 50% Semester 2 Grade = Final Course Grade.
These courses are associated with the assessments we refer to as Common Final Exams (CFEs). The CFEs are linked to all courses offered on the OCPS Course Code Directory that do not fall into the other two categories. No additional teacher, school or district semester or final examination may be administered for these courses. There are two grade calculation methods depending on whether or not the course is a full year or semester course. Full-Year Courses: 40% Semester 1 Grade + 40% Semester 2 Grade + 20% Common Final Exam = Final Course Grade. Semester Courses: 40% Quarter 1 Grade + 40% Quarter 2 Grade + 20% Common Final Exam = Final Course Grade.
Grade Point Average and Class Rank
Class rank is computed by the OCPS Student Management System for all students at the end of each semester. It is computed for both weighted and unweighted grades. Cumulative Grade Point Averages are based on final grades only. This average is computed by dividing the total number of quality points earned by the total number of credits attempted. Graduation is based on a student’s unweighted GPA.
Unweighted GPA
Unweighted GPA is calculated based on the following point system without concern to the quality level of courses taken. Assign the appropriate number of points to each letter grade earned in a course, then divide by the number of courses taken.
A = 4 Points
B = 3 Points
C = 2 Points
D = 1 Point
F = 0 Point
Weighted GPA
Weighted GPA is calculated based on the following point system where higher quality levels of courses are assigned higher point values. Assign the appropriate number of points for each letter grade earned in a coursed based upon the quality level of the courses taken, then divide by the number of courses taken.
Points Assigned to Course Grade
Standard Course
Honors Courses
Pre-IB Courses
Advanced Placement
Dual Enrollment
IB Courses
A = 4 Points
B = 3 Points
C = 2 Points
D = 1 Point
F = 0 Points
A = 5 Points
B = 4 Points
C = 3 Points
D = 1 Point
F = 0 Points
A = 6 Points
B = 5 Points
C = 4 Points
D = 1 Point
F = 0 Points |
Semester & Final Exam Policy
Comprehensive semester and/or final exams will be given at the end of the semester. Exams will not be administered early. It will be the student’s responsibility to make arrangements with his/her teachers to make up these exams. First semester exams must be made up by the 4th week of the second semester. Second-semester exams must be made up before the start of the next academic year. Any missed exam will receive a 0% until the exam is made up by the deadline.
Attendance Requirements for Receiving Academic Credit
According to state law, regular attendance is required to earn credit for any courses completed. Students who incur more than 20 absences during the school year or 10 absences during any semester must receive a failing grade unless that student can display mastery of the subject. Students with excessive absences must score a 70% or better on their Final/Semester exam to demonstrate mastery of the course or receive a failing grade for that course.
Grade Forgiveness
Under state policy, students who receive a final grade of D or F in a class may retake the class to improve their grade. The new, higher grade (C or better ONLY) will replace the D or F in the GPA. This policy only applies to the final grades of D or F.
Academic Integrity: Plagiarism and Cheating
In the report, Nation At Risk, there is a special note to students that reads, in part:
You forfeit your chance for life at its fullest when you withhold your best effort in learning. When you give only the minimum to learning, you receive only the minimum in return. Even with your parents’ best example and your teachers’ best efforts, in the end, it is your work that determines how much and how well you learn.
This also applies when students plagiarize the work of others, submit another’s work as their own, or take answers from other students. Downloading term papers from the internet to submit as your own work is dishonest and illegal. Students who are caught cheating and/or plagiarizing (using any means) will receive no credit for the work submitted and be subject to disciplinary action. This may make students ineligible for membership in student honor societies and clubs. Students who are already members of these organizations may be removed as members.