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Schedule Change Requests 2021-2022

Please read before submitting a schedule change request!

Schedule change requests will only be considered if you complete the Schedule Change Request Form for your school counselor (Please do not send your schedule change request by email).

Reasons to submit a schedule change request:

High Priority Requests

The following schedule change requests will be a high priority for the school counselors and will be reviewed before elective schedule change requests.

  • Change in level
    • For example: You would like to switch from a regular class to a honors class or a honors class to an AP class.
  • Previously passed class
    • For example: You have been scheduled for a Biology class and you have already earned a Biology credit.
  • Duplicate course on schedule
    • For example: You have 2 World History classes on your schedule.
  • Missing a class period
    • For example: You are missing a 2nd period on your schedule.

Limited elective change requests

  • Please note that there will be limited elective changes this year.

Schedule changes are based on availability of the requested class and are not guaranteed. 

Changes will not be granted based on preference of teacher, period, lunch, etc. 

Warning: Changing a course could result in shifting the order of your courses OR a change in lunch schedule, teacher, or class period.  If you complete this form, you accept these conditions. 

Deadline to submit a schedule change request: AUGUST 20, 2021 BY 3:00 PM

You will need to be signed in to google with your student account to access the form.

Please only complete this form once!

If you would like to request a schedule change, please click on the link of your school counselor below:

School Counselor


Schedule Change Link

Brittany Foster


Dwana Dye


Julie Grammier


IB Program-A-L

Lisabeth Hernandez Ogonowski


IB Program-M-Z

Crystal Mejias


Tina Bulled


Sandra White


Elisa Elder

11th & 12th Project Graduate